Payment Methods

Payment Methods

RCS Experience payment methods include Amazon Pay and All Major Credit/Debit Cards (through Stripe).

Amazon Pay
Payment Methods - Powered By Stripe

Stripe is a safe, easy way to pay for online transaction. Stripe is integrated into the check out process, so you never leave the RCS Experience site to complete a payment.

Stripe can be used to purchase items by Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) or Debit Cards. The process is this:

1) After viewing your items on your shopping cart page, go to the Checkout page.
2) Fill in the Billing and Shipping Address (if different from billing address) and the Credit Card information.
3) Your transaction will be seamlessly processed through a secure and encrypted connection to Stripe.

Which one of the Payment Methods should I use?

RCS Experience suggests you use Stripe for the following reasons:

  1. Your payment is secure and traceable. By using Stripe, the status of your payment can be sent by notifications.
  2. When you make payment for your order, you don’t need to leave the RCS Experience site to have the transaction processed.
  3. When you use your credit card through Stripe, nobody will see your credit card number, which will minimize the risk of unauthorized use.

Payment Methods – Powered By Amazon Pay

In addition, RCS Experience uses Amazon Pay for Credit/Debit Card transactions. All transactions are safe and secure with the Amazon Merchant Services Gateway. Amazon Pay is integrated into our site, but you will need an Amazon Account when making a purchase.

No worries! If you don’t have an Amazon Account, you can easily setup one when you select the Amazon Pay Button either on the Shopping Cart Page, or the Checkout page.

Happy Shopping!